What You Can Expect From Fifth Grade
The 5th grade teams works closely together, as students are “shared” during the course of the year. The various rooms use common curricular content as well as behavioral and academic expectations. A grade level brochure containing strategies, expectations, and recommendations is distributed and discussed at Back-to-School night.
We know that in order to be successful teachers, we need to work in tandem with parents. Some ways you can support what we do include:
Open, consistent communication – please e-mail or write a note in the assignment book if you need to talk. Talk to teachers before you take problems elsewhere.
Consistent support of class & school policies – including the daily signing of the assignment book, and support of individual classroom procedures. Your student needs your support, not your protection.
Support in seeing that homework is completed and submitted – you needn’t do homework with your student, but do see that it is completed and attached in the proper section of the binder, and the binder is in the backpack.
If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact your student’s teacher.